This document outlines the general policy and arrangements for the Ballet Nights Masterclass intensives.
Our Commitment to Safety
We are dedicated to maintaining and promoting excellent health and safety practices. Our commitments include:
Maintaining safe and healthy working conditions in all our intensive environments.
Controlling health and safety risks by conducting thorough risk assessments for all intensive activities and regularly reviewing these assessments and seeking consultation with external bodies where required
Encouraging feedback on health and safety matters from employees, students, and their guardians.
Providing necessary information, instruction, and supervision to ensure all participants and staff are aware of and understand our health and safety policies.
Ensuring competency and training of all staff, verifying that they possess the required qualifications and receive appropriate training.
Recording and addressing incidents promptly, with all injuries and harm documented in the Accident Book located within each venue, and adjusting practices to prevent future incidents.
Annually reviewing and updating this policy to adapt to new standards, feedback, or operational changes.
Ballet Nights, as the producer, holds overall responsibility for health and safety at the intensives. Day-to-day implementation of this policy is the responsibility of designated faculty members, who are tasked with ensuring that the policy's provisions are carried out consistently and in conjunction with the Ballet Nights Directors.
Emergency Procedures
Emergency readiness: Each intensive location is equipped with a First Aid Kit and an Accident Book. Faculty members are trained in basic first day and emergency response protocols. In the case of an emergency or serious injury, immediate contact will be made with the designated venue first aider or, otherwise, the emergency services.
Policy Review
This policy is reviewed annually to ensure its continued relevance and efficacy in maintaining a safe environment. The policy is written in conjunction with our Safeguarding Policy, Risk Assessment Policy and all Ballet Nights Masterclasses Risk Assessments.